Starboard: Derelict
Solo Project
This was a 2 month build done by a team of 2 - Peter Hargarten and Robert McKee. This game was made for our "Time to make a game" project where we decided to make an adventure inspired dungeon crawler based on a non-existant IP.
System Designer
Thus, the two of us divided our laber into Level Design and System Design, sharing the narrative design. I made all the systems in the game including:
Door/Key system - allows for a wide array of door and key combinations, including having a timed "hack" style door.
Pistol Shot: Using a sphere trace, the pistol shot in a straight line from the screen's center.
Interactables: The interactable system was flexible enough to allow us to build objectives, item pickups, story plot points, and more.
Dialogue System: The dialogue system I made alowed for a stead stream of dialogue and subititles. Each person could have customized text color and voice lines for each line of dialogue
Art Credits
All art in this game was taken from free assets on the Epic Games store. They include:
Paragon: Twinblast
Paragon: Iggy and Scorch
Paragon: Minions
Modular Sci Fi Office
Modular SciFi Season 1 Starter
Modular Scifi Season 2
Polar Sci-Fi Facility
Scifi Hallway